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Elements to Consider when Planning a Home Décor

When it comes to home decoration, you need to understand function and form before deciding on any particular décor. When planning on a home décor project, be sure that it has all the important elements, such as functionality and also function. The décor should reflect your passion and personality, while being functional in the way your family works, relax, and live. Without such element, there is no use of any luxurious or exclusive décor. Even when a room has magnificent decoration, but it doesn’t fulfill any purpose at all, it feels unfriendly and empty – being dispatched from the function of the house itself.

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When you are planning a home décor work, you need to answer these questions:

  • How the room should appear? Should it look cheerful, professional, formal, fun, retro, etc?
  • Who will mostly use it? Will it mostly be used by adults only? Kids only? Or both?
  • How is the function of the room? Is it for relaxing, entertainment, professional work, etc?

By answering all those questions, you can determine a lot of stuffs. For example, if you are into silk so much and you want to decorate your house with it, but then you have pets and kids, you should postpone the plan. With pets and kids, fabrics that are long lasting and washable are more logical and reasonable. Even if you have leather furniture, like leather sofa or recliner, it would be wiser if you can use slipcover – at least use it until your kids grow bigger and older.

Colors can also be used to set the tone and mood of the room. When you want to have neutral atmosphere, going with earthy and neutral colors like light brown, beige, or light gray can help. if you want to go for more formal setting, darker hues like deep magenta or dark dray is more suitable.

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Elements to Consider when Planning a Home Décor
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